Medical virtual reality


Shape the future of medicine at the Exponential Medicine Conference, November 9-12

In the last century, breakthroughs in modern medicine have driven big gains in quality and length of life. Antibiotics, immunization, imaging and radiology, complex surgery, minimally invasive surgery—and more. It’s a long, impressive list. But what will the next hundred years bring? exponential-medicine-5The US spends some 18% of gross domestic product on healthcare and yet ranks last on a list of 17 developed countries by outcome. We face an increasing shortage of providers even as the healthcare burden and number of covered Americans is set to grow. The challenges ahead appear daunting—but there’s reason to believe we can find powerful solutions, perhaps even sooner than imagined. The technological tools at our disposal are advancing as fast or faster than the problems they aim to solve. Many technologies are developing at an exponential pace. ….[READ]

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